Sample Size for Survival Analysis


Menu location: Analysis_Sample Size_Survival Times.


This function gives you the minimum number of subjects that you require to detect a true ratio of median survival times (hr) with power POWER and two sided type I error probability ALPHA (Dupont, 1990; Schoenfeld and Richter, 1982).


The method used here is suitable for calculating sample sizes for studies that will be analysed by the log-rank test.


Information required

  • POWER: probability of detecting a real effect.
  • ALPHA: probability of detecting a false effect (two sided: double this if you need one sided).
  • A: accrual time during which subjects are recruited to the study.
  • F: additional follow-up time after the end of recruitment.
  • *: input either (C and r) or (C and E), where r=E/C.
  • C: median survival time for control group.
  • E: median survival time for experimental group.
  • r: hazard ratio or ratio of median survival times.
  • M: number of controls per experimental subject.


Practical issues

  • Usual values for POWER are 80%, 85% and 90%; try several in order to explore/scope.
  • 5% is the usual choice for ALPHA.
  • C is usually estimated from previous studies.
  • If possible, choose a range of hazard ratios that you want have the statistical power to detect.


Technical validation

The estimated sample size per group n is calculated as:

- where α = alpha, β = 1 - power and zp is the standard normal deviate for probability p. n is rounded up to the closest integer. (1+1/m)/p is equivalent to 2/p in the first equation if the experimental and control group sizes are unequal.