Converting Between Units


Converting from 1: multiply by: to give 1:
Atmospheres 76 CM of Mercury (0°C)
Atmospheres 29.921 Inches of Mercury (32°F)
Atmospheres 2116.32 Pounds/sq ft
Atmospheres 14.696 Pounds/sq ft
Barrels, oil 42 Gallon (US)
Barrels (API) 0.159 Meter³
BTU (15.56°C) 1055 Joule
BTU/Minute 0.0236 Horsepower
Calories (mean) 4.19 Joule
Centimetres 0.3937 Inches
Cubic centimetres 0.061 Cubic inches
Cubic Centimetres 0.00022 Gallons (British)
Cubic Centimetres 0.00026 Gallons (US)
Cubic Feet 0.037 Cubic Yards (US)
Cubic Feet 6.2288 Gallons (British)
Cubic Feet 7.4805 Gallons (US)
Cubic Feet 28.3162 Litres
Cubic Inches 16.3872 Cubic Cm
Cubic Meters 35.314 Cubic Feet
Cubic Meters 219.969 Gallons (British)
Cubic Meters 264.173 Gallons (US)
Degrees (F) (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 Degrees (C)
Degrees (C) (Celsius * 1.8) + 32 Degrees (F)
Feet 0.3048 Meters
Feet of Water (39.2°F) 0.8826 Inches of Mercury (32°F)
Feet of Water (39.2°F) 62.427 Pounds/sq ft
Feet/minute 0.0183 Kilometres/hour
Feet/minute 0.005 Meters/second
Gallons (British) 0.1605 Cubic Ft
Gallons (British) 1.2009 Gallons(US)
Gallons (British) 4.5459 Litres
Gallons (US) 0.1337 Cubic Ft
Gallons (US) 0.8327 Gallons(British)
Gallons (US) 3.7853 Litres
Grams 0.03527 Ounces
Horsepower 1.014 Cheval-Vapeur
Horsepower 745.7 Watts
Inches 2.54 Centimetres
Inches of Mercury (32°F) 0.0334 Atmospheres
Kilograms 2.2046 Pounds
Kilometres 3280 Feet
Kilometres 0.6213 Miles
Kilowatts 56.884 BTU/Minute
Litres 0.0353 Cubic Feet
Litres 0.2199 Gallons (British)
Litres 0.2641 Gallons (US)
Meters 3.2808 Feet
Miles 5280 Feet
Miles 1.6093 Kilometres
Miles 320 Rods
Miles (nautical) 6080 Feet
Millilitres 0.035 Ounces (Fluid-British)
Millilitres 0.0338 Ounces (Fluid-US)
Millimetres 0.039 Inches
Ounces 28.3495 Grams
Ounces (British) 28.4130 Cubic centimetres
Ounces (US) 29.5737 Cubic centimetres
Pounds 453.5924 Grams
Pounds/sq ft 0.000472 Atmospheres
Pounds/sq in 0.0680 Atmospheres
Pounds/sq in 2.036 Inches of Mercury (32°F)
Quarts (British) 1136.521 Cubic centimetres
Quarts (US) 946.3586 Cubic centimetres
Tons (long) 1016.047 Kilograms
Tons (long) 2240 Pounds
Tons (long) 1.016 Tons (metric)
Tons (long) 1.12 Tons (short)
Yards 91.44 Centimetres



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